I believe that he wants to become the president of the U.N., and controller of the world.
Why else would he overstep the Constitution, openly support Global Warming, and advance the U.N. concept of a GLOBAL TAX to fight Global Warming ..?
when the rational, and 'real science' says that we are in a 'cooling phase', and can proove it ??
Obama’s leadership is like ‘teqts on a boar’ = totally useless, and doesnt exist !!
The UN president.....I don’t know. I think obama is not particularly bright. He is petulant and lazy. I don’t think he wants to be under the spotlight (notwithstanding his rock star desire for adoration). He wants to play golf and go to concerts. I don’t think he likes serious duties. When he does stupid things, he is now called on it by many in the media. The petina is off his being “the ONE”. And he does not like it when anyone questions his decisions. He loves the girls fainting at his speeches....as he said,....it happens all of the time. He is not a serious person and he needs to go away.