To: mylife
I bought one of those chargers at a flea market, and my phone rejected it after a couple of weeks. They’re worthless.
30 posted on
09/19/2014 9:49:18 AM PDT by
(Democrats: The perfect party for the helpless and stupid, and those who would rule over them.)
To: rightwingintelligentsia
Some of it is crap and some of it is OK.
China has poor industry standards.
35 posted on
09/19/2014 9:53:03 AM PDT by
To: rightwingintelligentsia
Chargers? Enouh with the football talk! /s
As to Alicrappa, what moron invests in a Communist Chinese company?
Sure, it makes a profit for a few years, but then, the commies decide all profits belong to the collective.
37 posted on
09/19/2014 9:56:01 AM PDT by
Sensei Ern
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