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Rush Limbaugh,"Open Line Fridays",M-F,12NOONPM-3PM,EDT,WOR AM,September 19,2014
The EIB Network ^
| September 19, 2014
| Rush Limbaugh
Posted on 09/19/2014 8:52:33 AM PDT by Biggirl
Call The Rush Limbaugh Show program line between 12 Noon & 3PM Eastern Time, at: 1-800-282-2882 E-mail Rush: or Fax Rush at: 212-445-3963 Write a letter to Rush and mail it to: The Rush Limbaugh Show, 1270 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Join This Ping List Now!
E-mail Rush:
Fax Rush at: 212-445-3963,
Write a letter to Rush and mail it to:
The Rush Limbaugh Show,
1270 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, NY 10020.
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TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; News/Current Events; US: Florida
KEYWORDS: politcs; rushlimbaugh; rushlive; talkradio
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AND NOW... amidst billowing clouds of fragrant, aromatic first- and second-hand premium cigar smoke... it is time for... that harmless, lovable little fuzz ball, the highly-trained broadcast specialist, having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have, from behind the golden EIB microphone, firmly ensconced in the prestigious Attila-The-Hun chair at the Limbaugh Institute of Advanced Conservative Studies, serving humanity simply by showing up, and hes not retiring until every American agrees with him - do NOT doubt him - with shrieks of joy at the mere mention of his name (thats Rush, for those in Rio Linda),the Mandarin of Talk Radio, with talent on loan from G-d, at the cutting-edge of societal evolution, with half his brain tied behind his back just to make it fair, the all-knowing, all-caring, all-sensing, all-feeling, all-concerned Maha-Rushie! Americas anchorman, truth detector, and doctor of democracy. A real man, a living legend, a way of life. Commander-in-Chief of U.S. Operation Chaos. Chief Waga-Waga El Rushbo of the El Conservo Tribe. Chief of the Patriotism Police. Leader of the Conservative Movement. A Weapon of Mass Instruction. El Rushbo (a little Spanish lingo, there). He is the man who is running America (you know it and I know it). He knows the Democrats like every square inch of his glorious naked body. He is ready to do what he was born to do host. Get ready to what you were born to do listen. And post your comments on the Rush Limbaugh LIVE Radio Thread.
posted on
09/19/2014 8:52:33 AM PDT
To: NonValueAdded; LibertyisSpecial; HOYA97; ICFN(ICan'tFixNothing); StoneWall Brigade; ...
posted on
09/19/2014 8:53:48 AM PDT
(“Go, do not be afraid, and serve”-Pope Francis)
To: All
Good Morning/Afternoon, megaRushDoesOpenLineFridaysdittos!:)=^..^=
posted on
09/19/2014 8:55:04 AM PDT
(“Go, do not be afraid, and serve”-Pope Francis)
To: Biggirl
posted on
09/19/2014 8:55:04 AM PDT
("Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire)
To: Biggirl
America's Soldiers Singing "Days of Elijah"
Published on Sep 17, 2014 America's wonderful men and women in uniform participating in worship, lifting their voices to Almighty God as they sing "Days of Elijah."
Love the energy and camaraderie as they praise the God of Psalm 91.
Lord we pray that You continue to protect each and every one of our men and women on the front lines,
and You bring comfort and peace to their families.
Many thanks to Merrie Pardee Baldwin for first submitting this to Facebook.
We hope you take the time to watch all the moving, inspirational, and encouraging videos that we include on TheChurchGuide YouTube Channel.
The Church Guide is a media ministry, like Lia Mills, we are also trying to make this world a better place ... world changers for the Kingdom of God.
Please visit our website, for the latest in Christian news, inspiring and encouraging stories, features, and testimonies, and a whole lot more to lift your spirit.
Here's the words.
These are the days of Elijah
Declaring the Word of the Lord, yes
And these are the days of his servant, Moses
Righteousness being restored
And these are the days of great trial
Of famine and darkness and sword
So we are the voice in the desert crying
Prepare ye the way of the Lord
Behold he comes
Riding on a cloud
Shining like the sun
At the trumpet's call
Lift your voice
It's the year of jubilee
Out of Zion 'till salvation comes
And these are the days of Ezekiel
With dry bones becoming as flesh
And these are the days of his servant, David
Building the temple of praise, yes
And these are the days of the harvest
The fields are all white in the world
And we are the laborers that are in your vineyard
declaring the word of the Lord
Behold he comes
Riding on a cloud
Shining like the sun
At the trumpet's call
Lift your voice
It's the year of jubilee
Out of Zion 'till salvation comes
There's no God like Jehovah (x8--modulate)
There's no God like Jehovah (x8--modulate)
There's no God like Jehovah (x7)
posted on
09/19/2014 8:56:16 AM PDT
(It's Simple ! Fight, ... or Die !)
To: Enterprise
Congrats To Enterprise For Winning The Rush Limbaugh Show Thread Golden EIB Mic Award For September 19, 2014. :)=^..^=
posted on
09/19/2014 8:57:47 AM PDT
(“Go, do not be afraid, and serve”-Pope Francis)
To: Yosemitest
Thank-you for making my day and God Bless! I can at least have HOPE!:)=^..^=
posted on
09/19/2014 9:00:20 AM PDT
(“Go, do not be afraid, and serve”-Pope Francis)
To: Biggirl
posted on
09/19/2014 9:00:39 AM PDT
Sensei Ern
(FUBO (and Fallujohn Boehner, too))
To: Sensei Ern
I hope that Rush’s overkill discussion on the NFl “issues” did not drive posters away.
posted on
09/19/2014 9:01:54 AM PDT
(“Go, do not be afraid, and serve”-Pope Francis)
To: Biggirl
posted on
09/19/2014 9:03:37 AM PDT
(It's Simple ! Fight, ... or Die !)
To: Yosemitest
Hey my brother. While theologically, we may not communicate eye to eye, we both know Jesus as Lord.
posted on
09/19/2014 9:08:22 AM PDT
Sensei Ern
(FUBO (and Fallujohn Boehner, too))
To: Biggirl
Happy Friday. Thanks for the threads this week.
posted on
09/19/2014 9:11:35 AM PDT
(Democrats: The perfect party for the helpless and stupid, and those who would rule over them.)
To: Biggirl; All
Good afternoon & a happy, happy fall-like Friday!
posted on
09/19/2014 9:12:31 AM PDT
Carriage Hill
( Some days you're the windshield, and some days you're the bug.)
To: Biggirl
Standing bye for Iphone 6 chat...
posted on
09/19/2014 9:13:13 AM PDT
To: Biggirl
Top Ten?
"Ceterum censeo 0bama esse delendam."
Garde la Foi, mes amis! Nous nous sommes les sauveurs de la République! Maintenant et Toujours!
(Keep the Faith, my friends! We are the saviors of the Republic! Now and Forever!)
LonePalm, le Républicain du verre cassé (The Broken Glass Republican)
posted on
09/19/2014 9:18:01 AM PDT
(Commander and Chef)
To: Sensei Ern
Yes, I do.
On another note,
McDaniel files legal arguments as he looks to overturn Cochran loss
JACKSON A defeated Senate candidate in Mississippi is arguing that a state court judge was wrong to dismiss his lawsuit
that sought to overturn his Republican primary loss to incumbent Thad Cochran.
Attorneys for the tea party-backed candidate, state Sen. Chris McDaniel, filed legal arguments with the Mississippi Supreme Court late yesterday, hours before a midnight deadline.
The arguments mirror what McDaniels attorneys had said before Judge Hollis McGehee dismissed McDaniels lawsuit last month that current state law does not specify a deadline for a candidate to challenge a primary loss.
McGehee had agreed with Cochrans attorneysin saying a Mississippi Supreme Court ruling in a 1959 election dispute set a timeline for trying to overturn a primary loss,
and that McDaniel waited too long to challenge results of the June 24 Republican primary runoff.
McDaniel attorney Mitch Tyner wrote in his brief yesterday that the 1959 Supreme Court ruling became irrelevantwhen the state Legislature rewrote election laws in 1986.
McDaniel is asking justices to reverse McGehees decision
and order the judge to hold a full trial on the lawsuit.The suit had asked McGeheeto declare McDaniel the GOP primary winner,based on McDaniels contention that Cochran improperly courted voters who usually support Democrats.
... Mississippi law says a new primary could be ordered even after someone wins the general election.
If that were to happen, a new general election also would have to be held.
posted on
09/19/2014 9:19:47 AM PDT
(It's Simple ! Fight, ... or Die !)
To: mylife
Standing bye for Iphone 6 chat...Oh, have no fear... that only lasted about 120 seconds. Rush is back to his #1 topic now, and for the foreseeable future: The NFL, Roger Goodell and domestic violence. Appalling...
posted on
09/19/2014 9:23:09 AM PDT
(NEVER FORGET 9/11/01)
To: nutmeg
I think the new Iphone 6 was released today, so it is inevitable.
posted on
09/19/2014 9:25:50 AM PDT
To: Biggirl
I hope that Rushs overkill discussion on the NFl issues did not drive posters away.Thanks for these threads, FRiend. Wish Rush worked as hard as you did this week.
Sounds like Rush rolled into the EIB Studio and hit that Auto-Pilot button again. The NFL/domestic violence rant is going full speed, and will (probably) go on for the full three hours.
I can't stand it anymore... what has happened to the Rush I used to adore?
posted on
09/19/2014 9:26:53 AM PDT
(NEVER FORGET 9/11/01)
To: rightwingintelligentsia; All
Two days ago, Speaker Blank Check Boehner approved the spending of $ 500,000,000 of US Taxpayer Dollars to train 5,000 Syrian Muslim Rebels in Saudi Arabia for one year. IOW, another Boehner Bailout Bill to Obama.
Here are a few discussion points that were NOT mentioned by Boehner:
* Each Syrian Muslim Rebel will cost $ 100,000 to train.
* 5,000 Syrian Muslim Rebels will be removed from the battlefields in Syria to a training site in Saudi Arabia for one year.
* The removal of 5,000 Syrian Muslim Rebels will leave their families with reduced protection from attack by Syrian Army troops, for one year.
* The removal of 5,000 Syrian Muslim Rebels will leave their families with NO protection from attack by ISIS troops, for one year.
* The removal of 5,000 Syrian Muslim Rebels from the battlefields of Syria will help both the Syrian and ISIS troops to more easily take over areas controlled by the Syrian Muslim Rebels.
BTW, did anyone notice if before the US Senate approved Boehners Bailout Bill yesterday, did any US Senator mention that removing 5,000 Syrian Muslim Rebels from the battlefields of Syria, was in effect, Giving aid and comfort to the ENEMY for the period of one year?
posted on
09/19/2014 9:27:56 AM PDT
(Democrats' Obamacare Socialist Health Insur. Tax violates U.S. Constitution AND Anti-Trust Law.)
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