Now this might result in a lightning strike but, here goes;
Uhmmm yeah, close your legs or put some blank in between your lover and yer uterus.
How, in the hell, is your unwanted pregnancy the responsibility of your lover or society, given all the tools to prevent conception?
I.U.D’s, 30 day cycle pills, sponges, etc.
That Shiite is on you!
There is no reason for an unwanted pregnancy in today’s society, that unnessarily burdens you or anyone else.
You no longer have the right to lay claim on mans life for your mistake.
Hey, if you were both in it, fine.
But, surprise! This is your child crap is over.
Spend a few bucks and save a child from the horrors your crappy decisions will inflict upon a child.
More fatherless dependents means more checks from Big Daddy Sam.
“You no longer have the right to lay claim on mans life for your mistake.”
You sound like a liberal who thinks men don’t have t take responsibility for their actions.