why the mere thought of young men with such progressive clothing ideals could hardly be anything less than pillars of their society and their communities they are simply the cutting edge of progressivism -- Why I would bet these young men in the picture would be appalled by violence against women, illegal drug use, prostitution, and/or gang violence nor would ever consider voting for someone "just because of the color of their skin." No, no...these young men are deep thinking, contemplative, and deliberate in their thoughts, words, and deeds no one like this would ever go on to the NFL and be anything less than genius. It must be the NFL that is wrong.
Look at the FBI crime states for 2013. Violent Crime is at a 20 year low.
The NFL Violent Crime rate compared as a percentage compared to Society is extremely low.
So if you want to believe the ESPN extreme leftist that we need to PC the NFL, then be my guest.