Opening the door for a stealth Democratic candidate just at the right time. Figures.
That’s what the liberals are trying to avoid, to split the disgruntled and liberal vote between the liberal “independent” and the democrat candidates by keeping the democrat off the ballot.
I kind of see where you are coming from if Greg Orman starts faltering though. You would think, by then, my fellow Kansans will be tired off all the liberal shenanigans that have been on in this race.
The local liberal medias are also going to be a big obstacle in this race. One posted a story about Pat Roberts first web ad that exposes Orman as a liberal democrat. It destroys Orman’s narrative of running as an independent. Orman is mad and his only claim to the video is it is a fake edited video. The news station also claims his side that the video is fake, understandable, but they fail to post the video for people to decide for themselves. I watched it and the fake claims sounds just like desperation since the ad does a good job of exposing him.