True Confessions; My Mom put white Wonder Bread in our sandwiches for years, and we all loved it. There used to be a Wonder Bread bakery downtown Grand River, near my High School (Cass Tech) in Detroit. Hostess had a small bakery nearby that made chocolate Ding Dongs and those big White Snowballs! This was just a few blocks west of a shop that ground up Eight O Clock Coffee Beans. Morning bus rides never smelled so good as back then.
My mother was German..she once sent me to school with a Liederkranz sandwich...a cheese more smelly than Limburger.HA!
We kept our lunches in the ‘cloakroom “ where we kids kept our jackets and coats.
I never took that kind of sandwich ever again!
No therapy for trauma either..ha.
During my poverty stricken student years and beyond, there was a Wonder Bread bakery 6 day old discount outlet.
Wednesday was half off!!!
That was good living on the cheap! And stale bread helps keep your teeth white!