VDH ping ...
He's on the golf course.
Is there any reason why such a President wouldnt pursue the academic world fantasies the mouthing of which have made him the most successful narcissist in US history? Is there any reason why such a President wouldnt pursue Communist style "World Revolution" under another name? Is there any reason such a President wouldn't abuse, wear down, starve, reduce in size, and humiliate, the most professional military forces the US has ever had?
Look at reality as opposed to the various popular rationalizations constantly repeated by both the left and the right.
The US has been overthrowing governments, backing totalitarian, fascist, and communist, revolutions and regimes worldwide ever since we elected our Red Diaper President exactly the same way those nations dedicated to "World Revolution have in the past.
The US has used paper-thin pretexts for military intervention where doing so is at best the most expensive of all possible ways to achieve our goals and at worst totally at odds with our own national self-interest.
The US has backed and is backing barely human bloodthirsty animals intent on destroying stable States where doing so does nothing but enhance the power of bloodthirsty animals intent on spreading their filth and hatred.
The US has become a completely a unreliable ally by sacrificing long time allies on the altar of a politically correct ideology where political reality has shown time and time again that there is no politically correct solution and there never will be.
The US refuses to deal with real problems but backs mobs in the streets both around the world and within the US to deal with academically fashionable phantom problems.
The US now behaves as if stability in international relations is an absolute evil rather than a framework within which change for the better can take place for those peoples who are most in need of our help and encouragement.
In reality the US has become, with the support of a great many who should know better, exactly the type of Revolutionary State our Red Diaper President so often heard praised by his "Daddy" as they sat together in their soiled under shorts sharing a joint.
We have traded in American Exceptionalism for American Hedonism and in doing so have become a nation bereft of historical context. Dullards comfortable with the premise that if something happened prior to the Beatles appearing on the Ed Sullivan show its completely irrelevant. We no longer learn from history or even try to learn from history because history measured in the time frames the rest of the world deals in no longer exists in our collective consciousness.
We have become a nation of virtual, digital, vampires wearing Internet blinders to ensure that we each see nothing except the instant reassurance that not only is our opinion the only absolute truth but that all who disagree with us are morons beneath our contempt. Collectively we thrive on media supplied transfusions of illusion and individually we thrive by drawing digital blood from anyone who dares to reject the mental comfort food currently in vogue at our favorite virtual watering hole.
Americans who loudly reject our Red Diaper President saying that American exceptionalism isn't exceptional at all, in deeds as opposed to in their diatribes, embrace international behavior our forebears would have considered not just unacceptable but downright treasonous.
In reality as opposed to opposition mythology, our Red Diaper President has exactly the sort of docile "masses" under him his father and his pal Alynsky always assured him America was in reality populated by. Of course he says there's no such thing as American Exceptionalism, to him every day that passes without mobs in the streets of Washington DC and major American cities to resist him proves it
For all the sound and fury that is the lifes blood of digital watering holes on the Internet, the Red Diaper crowd and their academic mentors understand only one thing ; mobs in the streets. Thats why they organize, fund, and openly give diplomatic support to mobs in the streets of Nations they intend to destroy, and thats why they don't take Americans who disagree with them but dont put mobs in the streets seriously.
Welcome to the new United States, a nation headed rapidly to the exact same status the USSR maintained so long with it's reliance internally on police state backed propaganda, widespread corruption to help ease the pain of reality, and use of or threats of using military force as the primary tool in international relations. Bid farewell to our having relied on economic power derived from a real, functioning, thriving, economy, that made for a strong nation and a world power to be reckoned with.
Americans have for the most part agreed to play the game of the Federal Government paying, feeding, and mothering us, in return we pretend to work and produce something of value while hiding under the table as much real value we produce as we possibly can to avoid being abused by the oppressively distorted above board economy.
Its nowhere near certain that a nation of people who have become so docile they will wait quietly for our Red Diaper President to leave power in the usual way is a nation that has the will to recover two years and five months from now if they dont have the will to resist the exceptional lawlessness of their Red Diaper President with exceptional measures before then.