I don't care what BS anyone writes.
You can call a tail a leg, but the dog still has 4 legs.
And when was that undated crap written? You left out attribution and date, liberal that you are.
Well, I'm no liberal, noobie, but why don't you try taking a look at the Kentucky Republican website? I can see it from my house. ...Right here at:
You can also see the Republican Platform, written by the good honest hard-working people of Kentucky.
Aw geez, they're anti-amnesty...damn liberals
And look at that...they want to preserve and protect "traditional marriage" freaking atheists.
What's this...The bastards want to repeal Obamacare.
%^&*^#!, THE ANIMALS oppose embryonic stem-cell research and RU-486!
Oh-MY-GOD!...They talk about God...and the "sanctity of life" THEY'RE PRO-LIFE! What a bunch of liberal RINO moonbats!