Those, who use Free Republic without donating are no different than the free loaders on welfare. They have been known for a long time as Freep Loaders.
The first question re the Freep Loaders, is how many are trolls and since they are not conservatives. When you see a constant negative poster, check to see if they are monthly or yearly donor. Most are Freep Loaders. They contribute zero $ and zero value with their negative dribble.
If $5/month is really too much to donate, they are headed for the human refuse pile with other free loaders in life, who expect the rest of us to carry their share in this aspect of their life.
Some “freep-loaders” have their panties in a twist over some perceived slight...
Some because of politics, a certain poster, the religion forum, etc., etc.
Petulant little children...who got their feeeeeeeeeelings “hurt”.