You have some huge points. But each time these are raised, the argument is, it’s Jim’s site and he wants to do it this way. Which is his right.
If it were my site, I’d open it to ads at 50% like you suggest and then maybe have an “investor’s circle” as well. Just to not have to be unpleasantly begging on every thread. I actually find it psychologically more off putting than the ads on other sites. I don’t know why - is it guilt? I give but not as generously, this year has been hard on me. Also, I am hoping for some mild technical updating, not overhauls and showy BS, just more functionality and easier translation to devices. I don’t sit at desks any more.
Free Repubic is the only place with an enormous supply of brilliant and knowledgable Americans and others who care about our once Free Republic. I need to come here and I need all of you. So I don’t want the doors to shut.
But maybe there could be something structural that might even be conducive to effective activism? No idea. But I love this place.
Good ideas, thanks!
It seems to me that a sharp FR lawyer could set up a “Friends of FREE REPUBLIC” Legal Entity that could then make donations to FREE REPUBLIC under certain legal terms.
This legal entity could then receive monies from a strict set of categories which would not encumber FREE REPUBLIC from it’s historic and current activities.
For example, fees from:
* Individual authors promoting one book per year, max.
* Conference, vacations, trips or Convention promotion notices.
* Membership promotion by approved organizations such as the NRA, and the Heritage Foundation.