That depends upon who in the US does the attacking and destroying. Not to mention how long the intestinal fortitude of Americans will last when it begins. If I were leading that task force (and it’s a good thing I never will), I would insure that it would not happen again if it meant scorching the earth for however many hundreds of miles going south until the attacks stopped permanently. And I mean absolutely nothing would live in the areas being cleared, up to and including “salting” the earth with enough radioactive particles to kill anything that enters the region (perhaps large scale Neutron guns would be an interesting variant). I’m not prepared to do a half ass job and will see it through to the end no matter what the media cries about and no matter what the country cries about concerning my tactics as long as the results are to completely and permanently stop any attacks coming over the border.
If I was leading Israel, the Gaza Strip would be emptied of Palestinians and they would be sent back to their true countries of origin and the Gaza strip would be annexed.
If you’re not prepared to either defend yourself or annihilate those who are attacking you and/or attempting to terrorize you, you need to go sit in a corner and wait for your self declared enemy to come and end your life for you, or please, by all means, end it yourself and get out of the way of the warriors (not targeted at you specifically).
Hell-o General MacArthur!