Plus how much would cost of living in Panama be if things required some of us to scoot?
This is where I found cost of living for the whole country of Panama.
But then I took a quick quiz for what particulate area would be best for us. You click the topic that interest you and they recommend the towns:
And yes, a couple could live on 1100. a month, it seems.
But I am also interested in a bugout location, so I’ve read these answers:
It looks good to have affordable land that has water and is fertile and away from natural disasters. The only thing is, I would miss my country very much.
My husband wants us to leave before there is real danger, so we can sell what we have here and get settled. I am dreading that day, and pray to God it never happens. But we do have regular conversations of what we should do and where we should go.
Heaven be on your side, GeronL and keep us all secure!