*Hillary’s Biggest Whopper: “I am Not an Obama Clone”*
“See, I’ve got longer hair and I’m much older!”
What was “cloned” was the total lack of any kind of critical thinking. Herself, Madame Benghazi, the Cold & Joyless, may be excused to some extent for the failure of that aspect of her intellectual attainment, because of the repeated blows to the head, and years of indiscriminate use of psychoactive substances, starting most notably with alcohol to excess, and long-term effects of marijuana and cocaine use.
The Current Occupant never had any training in the discipline of critical thinking, not one time, never. He was simply spoon-fed the Red-diaper baby pablum from birth, and was never exposed to any contrasting views, in the gentle ministrations of his white parent and the immediate circle in which she moved, always in the subversive and angrily muttering counterculture that prevailed in the 1960’s and after. He has never experienced what it could possibly mean to be an American citizen, no more than a cadet in some Soviet training camp.
The minds of both Herself and the Current Occupant have long been held captive.