Here's the post I responded to: My limited knowledge of case law, very limited, leads me to believe that if the cop cannot demonstrate Imminent Threat, he's a candidate for Murder II.
My response was that the question of the cop being in imminent danger is the only thing that matters. The robbery at the store is not relevant. Many people on threads on this topic (including this one) seem to think that the cop should/could have shot the kid just for the robbery. That would be an execution.
execute [ek-si-kyoot]
verb (used with object), executed, executing.
4. to murder; assassinate.
The word “execute” was used over and over during news conferences for the deceased to describe what the cop did to him.
It was used for affect.
I wonder if they had to ramp up the language because they aren’t going to get the same sympathy as they did before they learned he just wasn’t just logging in steps with his Striiv Smart Pedometer.