I don’t get it, I have seen San Diego, San Francisco, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Naples, Barcelona, Genoa etc. and I can understand the attraction for some young people who want excitement and all that but why anyone over thirty or so would prefer to live in a big city rather than in the suburbs or better yet out in the country is beyond me. Living in a small town is different, you can quickly get out into the open if even the small town seems too crowded for you but living in the “concrete jungle” is just beyond my understanding and I certainly cannot grasp the attraction of a high-rise apartment building where you cannot even step out the door without a long elevator ride or many, many flights of stairs. It seems too much like prison.
I like being able to step out my door and pick grapes, figs, or blueberries when they are in season, watch the squirrels in the Hickory trees, take a stroll without leaving my own place, smell the Sweet Bay blossoms, look at an acre of Royal Ferns growing wild, Dogwood, American Beauty Berry, Azaleas etc, go down to the creek and fish from the bank or go canoeing, plant a garden in the spring if I feel inclined, pick a watermelon or cantaloupe or blackeyed peas from my garden or build a fire outside in the fall and winter and just sit by the open fire. The city holds no attractions for me. I have all this within a ten minute drive of a major medical center, within a bike ride of the primary care clinic, ten minutes from a large shopping mall. Why on Earth would I want to live in the city?
But liberals love to warehouse people in cities simply because it is much easier to control their lives that way.
Since it seems that most cities are concentrated pools of liberalism, and the desire to make more people liberal probably underlies all of the pipe-dreams about forcing people to live in cities, I speculate whether the absence of meaningful interaction with the natural world is a factor in people remaining liberal. Many liberals call themselves "environmentalists" (although their "environmentalism" is based more on mysticism than science), but their living environment isolates them from nature or living things.
There is nothing natural about those huge cities where miles of pavement are broken by the occasional tree planted in a hole in the sidewalk, and a few parks provide a semblance of nature. People need to be surrounded by natural living things and to observe the cycle of nature--otherwise, their thoughts can become unrooted and meander off in the weird directions that we call liberalism.