After nearly 6 years of observing B. Husseins ACTIONS, which choice (IYHO), as listed below, best describes Obama?
A.) Psychopatic personality,
1.) a person characterized by:
* emotional instability,
* lack of sound judgement,
* perverse and impulsive (often criminal) behavior,
* inability to learn from experience,
* amoral and asocial feelings,
* and other serious personality defects:
* he may or may not have psychotic attacks or symptoms.
B.) Asocial,
* complete indifference to the interests, welfare, etc. of society,
* and connotes abnormal or irresponsible self-centeredness - - -.
Note: Quotes are from Websters Dictionary.
Can I answer all of the above?
That’s a tough choice to make, he exhibits most of those traits.