“I believe, revolutionize whole industries.”
It could have and it probably would have but the last thing this administration and the banks want is another
industrial revolution that would put capitalism back on
top. This is the throws of a totally manipulated market.
Boy I was rather melancholy on this whole 3D Printing because of Metallurgy 1st and foremost. After seeing GE make Hot Section parts using this, that was my game changer. With that said, CEO's, their top echelon, and BOD's are their to build shareholder equity. Regardless what Merde' the Obama Fan throws at them, they still have to produce and try to get ROI / ROE. I ran into a former co-employee of a firm were we both resided and didn't know one another at the time. He is now retired and told me of a stint he did in a sector where they took the Union Employees down to 1/6th of their former populous because of; Demming, Kiazen, etc etc and streamlining the Manufacturing Process.
3D Printing revisits that and potentially allows them to increase profitability as Obamacare and a host of other imposed cost drivers hit the rotary oscillator aimed at them. The Administration's brethren in labor will not fair well. IMHO Technological advances and the Admin's mandates are putting them in a loose-loose situation.