I was against this but I read the bill summary and it was wonderful. We have the House taking ACTION. We have the Senate on vacation and the “president” playing golf. We look great. I was wrong.
We all understand that the bill isn’t going to go anywhere but Conservatives/Republicans put themselves in a good position to capitalize on public opinion. It would have been more impactful if the Senate actually voted it down imo. I blame the RINO leadership for that. We(conservatives)will have to drag them along or cast them overboard in November.
I love a person who can readily admit when they feel they were wrong. Good on you. Not sure why others can’t do the same. It really is NOT that hard.
Nice sum-up.
It was scary when the Repubs said they were moving on this.....but the bill was pro-America 1000 percent.....and I love the way the Pubs called attention to it by delaying their fall break.
WHAT COULD BE BETTER? the stupid Boobamaba is going to veto it.