What is this entire thread about? You want McConnell to win over Grimes.
You are defending the idea of voting for him.
You are defending him returning to the Senate.
You are defending Mitch McConnell by saying that although he has betrayed conservatives, he still deserves our support over Grimes.
Of course you are defending him!
You are making every excuse possible to give him cover. You are ignoring all of his exposed treachery because he might, just
support a pro-life cause in the Senate.
Will he? Who knows? We can’t trust him!
Do you not get that? We don’t know what he will decide to do because he has lied so many times.
You say he is pro-life. But is he? He used to be conservative. He used to be small government. But he has not shown those aspects of his leadership in years.
How can you possibly know that he will vote pro-life in the future? How can you possibly trust him?
Keeping Grimes out is more important than Mitch losing.
I will say again, the day after he wins, start the recall campaign.
But don’t let Grimes win.
Makes no sense to anyone who holds conservative values and believes in the Constitution and our system of government.