What a confused post, Sarge! First you tell people to knock off the praying then you accuse them of not liking God as much as money.
I don’t know where you’ve been since 1998 but FR has some of the most committed activists anywhere in the USA. There have been freepers down at the border protesting this month alone - where have YOU been?
Oh, and while I’m not all that interested, I wonder just how fat and useless your ass is. Sheesh, what an obnoxious post.
The proof is in the pudding, dear lady.
Property taxes are sky-high in towns, cities and counties. That’s the result of conservatives not showing up at meetings to protest the thievery by elected and unelected people sitting on these local government boards.
The local schools are infested with leftists who are brainwashing the children. That’s the result of conservatives not attending schoolboard meetings to demand that this indoctrination stop.
I was active in local government for nearly 20 years. How about you? Getting conservatives to show up at local government meetings was like asking Dracula to attend a sunrise worship ceremony.
You’re confused about my post because you have no understanding about how our founders confronted tyranny in their time. Look up Committees of Safety.
With that, I’m done with you.