“For the same reason the United States should be free and independent, Canada should be free and independent, Poland should be free and independent, etc.”
The Ukraine was free and independent until their government was overthrown by the EU and west. Now your saying the the illegitimate government they were left with should be free and independent?
Sure, if you are a nutter who believes Alex Jones and Russkie media. They were so "free" that Yanukovych was having people abducted and tortured. There are videos of protestors who were stripped naked and tortured even before the mass shootings which triggered the revolt. And yet, you want us to believe that everything was all nice and pretty, and that, if not for alleged United States meddling, no one would have stood up to Yanukovcych.
Now your saying the the illegitimate government they were left with should be free and independent?
And why are they illegitimate? Poroshenko won the election by a clear majority in every precinct that had elections, even in the East and South, except for the 2 or 3 cities where the separatists kept people from voting. Every organization that monitored the elections approved its results and the way it was carried out.
You cannot get more legitimate than that, unless you are a Russian Communist who thinks elections are only valid if Moscow has fixed them.
Elections were held. Porshenko was elected president. Obama's Yats has resigned.
You are repeating an old Putin talking point. At least use one of his new ones.