RE: We have all already seen her in action for years and already dealt with her ill fated vanity run for the presidency
Yep, and overall I LIKE WHAT I SEE.
RE: we are weary of her possible negative influence, like with Ed Rollins and Todd Akin.
I’m not worried about that. I look at her MANY YEARS of CONSISTENT, PRINCIPLED STANCE in Congress. I’m not going to let one or two minor incidents determine how I vote COMPARED TO THE OVERALL RECORD OF THE OTHERS BEING TOUTED.
RE: Your fantasy and illusions, and obsession are not shared by the voters
I am not asking you to share my voting desires. You vote your way, I vote mine.
Again, if it came down to Bachmann and Romney, Bush, Rand Paul or Chris Christie, the choice is quite clear — Bachmann.
You can choose any of the others on that list of you wish.
RE: My hope is that the old gal doesnt hurt us conservatives by letting her vanity keep controlling her.
COMPARED TO THE OTHERS ON THAT LIST, SHE WON’T. I’ve seen her in action. The others on that list on the other hand, WILL HURT conservatism because of their INCONSISTENCY.
How strange about how you use that little made up list as though it has meaning.
Too bad conservatives don’t feel about Bachmann play running for President like you do.