Except for American children. It's okay to steal from them, expose them to exotic deadly diseases, dismember them during birth, brainwash them into being willing sheep led to the slaughter, adopt them out to homosexual pedophiles, deny them medical care, or whatever abuses you can dream up. But you're a big meanie if you don't want to expend all of your resources to the tenth generation to make illegal immigrant "children" of all ages more comfortable.
Pelosi: Border Children Should Be Treated Like Refugee Baby Jesus
Every child, every person, has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect [because] we are all Gods children. ~ says Nancy Pelosi.
That is to say, all except American children. It's okay to steal their futures, expose them to deadly contagion and diseases, dismember them during birth, brainwash them into being willing sheep led to the slaughter, adopt them out to homosexual pedophiles, deny them medical care, and/or assorted other abuses Nanzi, Obama and the Dummycrat cabal, willfully inflict on American kids.
According to them, you're a hate-filled racist if you don't want to be cheated out of your hard-earned tax dollars in order to subsidize the multiple identities of invaders, illegals, adults, familes, and "children of all ages".