42% seems about right.
Blacks comprise 13% of the population and most will support him no matter what. He starts with an automatic 12% of the population supporting him.
Hispanics are 17% of the population and 75% will support him automatically. That gives him another 12%. We are up to 24%.
Asians comprise 5.3% of the population. At least 50% will automatically support a Democrat. This gives us another 2.5% for a total of 26.5%
62.6% of Americans are non-Hispanic whites. Certain groups of whites are liberal and will automatically support a left wing Democrat. These groups include union members, teachers and other academics, government employees, young white females, secular Jews, atheists, urban white professionals. These groups easily comprise 25% of the white population for another 15.5% of the total US population. This explains the 42% approval rating.
we need to get all of our purple state governors to set new rules where their blue districts report first.does anyone really believe the tallies coming from blue/purple districts who wait for all of the red districts to report first?Yah,if the Red Candidate is ahead by a few thousand votes and there are at least 4/5 blue districts who will call the votes in last,and they see that there are not enough votes for the Rat to win,do you think they will just “Make Up The Final Tally”?
Totally agreed. 42% sucks though, you can’t win any election with 42% and other politicians will run away from you. It’s like saying my grandfather is “holding steady at dead”.
Brilliant analysis.
There’s a percentage that will NEVER admit Obama is doing a terrible job. It’s the, “Well, Republicans are worse” crowd.