Yea my hope (emphasis on hope) is that Roberts has seen the aftermath of the ACA and regretted it ever since.
From his standpoint he could easily rule with the conservatives on this one and say “I take the cases as they come and this time Congress didn’t leave us with any other choice but to follow the clear language which could have (but wasn’t) been written to mean what the IRS wants it to mean”.
The majority can clearly and plainly pin this ruling right on the donkey where it belongs.
Perhaps Roberts learned his lesson about deals with the devil and how well they turn out.
They wrote the law and shouldn’t get to have the court fix their mistake just because they don’t have the present majority to get it amended legislatively.
As a lawyer it is clear cut to me. The language isn’t ambiguous and it’s not a scrivener error, so the court should apply it as such.
The dishonest and ridiculous arguments from the WH and the left reek of desperation.
I suspect he is right and it is a very sad commentary on the state of justice in America. It has frightening implications for the rule of law and our society. As people catch on to what is happening, that is, that we have the "rule of party" as Limbaugh says rather than the "rule of law" we can expect cynicism and its handmaiden, corruption to spread even faster throughout the land.
Widespread corruption means economic and social disintegration. One more legacy which has Obama smiling as his transformation proceeds apace.