You have hit the nail on the head. In a fast changing world the government on all levels is clutching for their ability to control who wins and who loses. Instead of allowing entrepreneurs to succeed they seem to want to stifle it. Uber and Tesla’s direct sales are two glaring examples.
They’ve been impoverishing people like that for decades in our cities. It’s only going to get more and more exacerbated as we go forward. It must change and will change by legislation or just breaking completely.
The key here, I believe, for the conservative cause is to get out in front of these issues. We’re not going to get urban centers to come to every cause. They’re just too filled with radical libs (30% normally), but we can capture 51% of voters in election after election by pushing real progress via conservative economic policies. Economic liberty is a real winner.
Who is keeping Walmart and jobs out of the cities? Democrats and their liberal masters.
I also think that arguing in favor of families and marriage will be widely accepted. 4 out of 5 poor families are headed by females who had babies in their teens and never graduated HS. Vouchers also would easily pass in black neighborhoods and among many poor/middle class as well. In Chicago getting into a good public HS is not merit, but politics based.