Parroting Kiev Junta's line will burn your credibility in the long run.
Kiev Junta refuses an international investigation and has tampered with evidence already.
Your calling the legally elected Ukraine govt ‘Kiev Junta’ is a dead giveaway where your from. tata!
I don’t see the “Kiev Junta” standing in the way of the OSCE and an independent international investigation.
Do You???
As a matter of fact they have called for one even though Donetsk is still Ukraine territory.
But I do see the Russian Donetskian s standing in the way and refusing the OSCE access and making off with evidence.
Don’t you???
That tells me quite a bit right there.
BTW tell the Russian rebels to bring back the 38 bodies that they took.
As someone having more FR experience than you, a piece of advice: Don't come on here shilling for ex-KGB totalitarians like Putin and making wild claims that are easily refuted by the "rebels" own twitter posts, then get upset when someone calls you on it. Parroting Russian/GRU propaganda will burn your credibility now... forget the long run.