Oh, the Bear is in the woods.
That means there is sh#t everywhere.
They are going there to appear familial (off for a weekend of peace and quiet) and serious (as in close to D.C., as in the Camp David Accords).
When actually they can’t stand each other or themselves and Bammy will spend the whole time alone & pouting, watching ESPN and listening via earbuds to filthy rap.
Finally, our military guys will be able to use their own golf course again. They aren’t allowed near it when bammy wants to practice his slice. What the king wants, the king takes. The heck with everybody else.
It’s unusual, but maybe he had the urge to check out one of his palaces that he hadn’t seen in a while.
He needs this vacation in order to rest up for his Martha’s Vineyard vacation. Tough job for Obama. He has to make such hard choices. /sarc