Worth repeating.
What is your best guess as to turnout in Nov. if the race stays as is and it is Cochran
on the ticket? I looked at the last two Senate races, Wicker in 12 and Cochran in 08
and the general election saw over 1.2 million votes in each. Granted they were presidential
years and thus a stronger draw I’d assume.
Wicker got a little over 700,000 votes or 57.14% in 12. In his special election in 08 he
got just under 700,ooo or 54.96%. On the same ballot in 08 Cochran got over 760,000 votes or 61.44%.
It seems the turnout is much larger in the general elections but there was a governor’s
on the ballot in each of those years. Do you have any feel for the situation this
time as to turnout, etc.?