have you noticed how the MSM, when they bother to cover it, try to make it sound like McDaniel is upset that blacks voted?
Feel the ground starting to shake, Mitch?
Yes I notice, I notice it everywhere but I look past it and keep fighting.
Take heart, keep fighting and the people will follow. The blacks in Mississippi know they wronged Chris McDaniel, they know the Cochran-Barbour gang wronged him. People are waking up.
Winning is the solution. When people see McDaniel win this thing, the media is going to retreat and then it doesn’t stop.
Did you see Mitch Tyner, McDaniel’s lawyer say they have more than 10,000 pages of documented fraud that they are gong to be serving on the US Attorney’s Office, the FEC and the MS AG? That means this keeps going for a long time. It means the Tea Party faction of the GOP is going to win and win big.
People vote for winners.
The only time the leftist media is successful is when they get the GOP to cave. Boehner is their favorite target.
But when fighters keep fighting and never give up, the media starts stuttering.
Winning has a thousand fathers, failure is an orphan.
McDaniel is right to be upset. It is illegal under Mississippi law to vote in a primary unless you intend to vote for the party's nominee in the general. Ask yourself how many of those blacks who voted in the runoff intend to vote for Cochran in November? Whether or not they already voted in the Democrat primary.
It was a key part of the Cochran campaign strategy to encourage violation of the law by enough Democrat blacks to swing the runoff. They were bragging about it!