Posted on 07/15/2014 4:56:29 PM PDT by Star Traveler
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, discussing the escalating Israeli air strikes in Gaza and the rockets fired into Israel from Palestinian militant groups there, said at a press conference Friday that this latest violence shows why Israel cannot withdraw unilaterally from the West Bank as it did in 2005 from Gaza.
While many have interpreted this as opposition to any two-state solution whatsoever, it reads to me as something a little different: a major Israeli requirement for any peace deal to work, and one that precludes Israel from ending its West Bank occupation without Palestinians agreeing to a deal that would satisfy that requirement.
"I think the Israeli people understand now what I always say: that there cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish security control of the territory west of the River Jordan," Netanyahu said in response to a reporter's question. That's according to a translation from Netanyahu's Hebrew by the Times of Israel's David Horovitz, who explains that the press event received little attention in the English-language press.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
This particular article here is not The Times of Israel article, but rather, it's a more sane explanation of what Netanyahu is saying!
From Wikipedia:
In June 1967, the West Bank and East Jerusalem were captured by Israel as a result of the Six-Day War. With the exception of East Jerusalem and the former Israeli-Jordanian no man's land, the West Bank was not annexed by Israel but has remained under Israeli military control and is referred to as Judea and Samaria Area by Israel. Although the 1974 Arab League summit resolution at Rabat designated the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, Jordan did not officially relinquish its claim to the area until 1988,[18] when it severed all administrative and legal ties with the West Bank and eventually stripped West Bank Palestinians of Jordanian citizenship.[19]
Israel should annex it, expel the "Palestinians", and be done with the lot of them. Syria and Iraq would be fine places to send the resulting refugees to right now, ISIS would not object.
Israel does not commit war crimes like Germany did in militarily taking over a land area and expelling the people who are there to make room for their own people.
Israel knows very well that it’s falsely accused of war crimes - with those FALSE ACCUSERS saying that Israel is trying to drive the Palestinian people off. Israel has very loudly and strongly fought back against such FALSE ACCUSATIONS as these.
And so, Israel is not about to return to the ashes of Germany and Hitler and “become that” for the Middle East.
These “Faux Supporters” of Israel sound more like the descendants of the Third Reich, than they sound like true supporters of Israel and what she truly does in this region!
God gave all that land to Israel to possess.
After WWII, a lot of the former occupied countries (notably Poland and Czechoslovakia) expelled their ethnic German citizens, because it had been demonstrated that their presence was a liability. Their prewar presence had been used as an excuse by Hitler to invade. By driving them out and ressetling them in their true homeland, peace has reigned ever since. Let the Palestinians of the West Bank go to Jordan and those of Gaza go to Egypt. They have demonstrated that their presence is a liability and they have already instigated three wars aimed at destroying Israel, and a constant low level insurgency ever since. It would be best for all if they where ressetled.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Star Traveler is a progressive troll who is trying to fundamentally transform Free Republic by presenting progressive ideas as Conservative dogma. By equating clearing an actively hostile population with Hitler and his Nazis, Star Traveler is trying to take that strategy off the table of rational discussion.
If that were all the Nazis did they would have been no dofferent than the
Czechs or India after independence. It was the mass killings, the gas chambers and crematoria that really distinguished the Nazis as unique. Conflating that with an expulsion of people who are actovely trying to kill ypu is just dishonest trolling.
I’m sure you’re quite disappointed that Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu disagree with you in terms of not committing war crimes against Palestinian civilians .... :-) ...
Your smiley faces don’t hide your progressive message. The fact remains that there is a large and hostile population in judea, Samaria and Gaza. I am not in favor of expelling them, but I think it is a legitimate position to hold. You equated it with Naziism and when I called you on the fales comparison, in that this population is actively hostile to the Jews in israel, you dropped it. Furthermore, you didn’t say that it would be like the Czechs expelling the Sudeten Germans, but you chose the most infatory and odious comparison to make. It also is not am apt comparison. The Nazis did not expel a population. They murdered them.
Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu do not consider it to be a valid or legitimate position to be held that they should commit the war crime of expelling the Palestinian population from the areas they live in now.
You’re totally put of touch with reality if you think that’s valid or that Israel should at all entertain the idea - which they don’t in the least,
You’re spouting off Islamist and Terrorist propaganda about Israel if you think that it’s valid for them to do that - because that’s precisely the LIE that these Islamist perpetrate about Israel.
It sounds like you’re in cahoots with these Islamists or on their payroll in order to give them “ammunition” for their continual lies about Israel, so they can support to “faux supporters” of Israel, like you, and show people that these supporters back Israel in committing war crimes!
One can argue credibly what Netanyahu’s position is. one cannot argue credibly what Israel’s position is except if you mean the position of the government, in which case there is no reason to say that something is both Israel’s and Netanyahu’s position.
Leftists always try to silence opinions they find uncomfortable. That is why they ostracised Meir Kahane and did not grieve for his death at the hands of an Arab terrorist. That is why they tortured Menachem Begin in his final years, chanting and marching in front of his house. That is why they hated Sharon until he reversed himself. That is why they hate Moshe Feiglin.
As I wrote, I am not an advocate of expelling the Arabs from Judea and Samaria, or from Gaza, or from those parts of Israel that were within the 1948 cease fire lines. I am opposed to that.
I object to your efforts to cut off discussion by conflating that question with Naziism. The Nazis never evacuated non-German populations; they murdered them. The Nazis murdered a population that was not waging war against the Germans and regarded itself as part of the German nation. Israel is facing a fifth column that is infested with people who want to kill Jews and cheer when it happens. While I am opposed to a population transfer I would not shut down someone who wants to discuss it, particularly in such a dishonest way as to call them comparable to Nazis.
You are working very hard to present left-wing views as right-wing ones. It is not histprically accurate, it obfuscates the issues and I will do what i can to keep the conversation honest.
If you were Prime Minister of Israel maybe you would drive out the Palestinians to Jordan and Egypt. The only problem is that with both Jordan and Egypt, Israel has peace treaties and with both countries Israel has promised to deal with the Palestinians in creating a Palestinian state.
Besides that, Israel doesn’t commit war crimes like this in driving out people in an area (Judea, Samaria and Gaza) to other countries.
In addition to that, neither Jordan or Egypt are interested in taking in these millions of Palestinians.
And then, furthermore, Israel and all the Prime Ministers for the last twenty years has worked towards the creation of the Palestinian State, through many trying negotiations and many different signed agreements.
No matter what you wish (as stated) Israel is not “going there” ...
If there was to be named a well-known Jewish Terrorist, it would be Meier Kahane!
Quote from Jewish Virtual Library ...
While some saw Kahane’s goals as laudable, his actions were often criminal. He spent time in jail after being convicted of conspiring to make bombs.
Kahane and his family moved to Israel in 1971, where he founded the militantly anti-Arab Kach political party. The party’s platform called for the anexation of all conquered territories and the forcible removal of all Palestinians. Under the auspices of Kach, Kahane continued to lobby for his beliefs in violent ways, and was jailed on several occasions. He was the first Jew in Israel to ever be accused of sedition.
Kahane ran for Knesset and lost in 1976 and 1980, but was finally elected in 1984. His movement continued to grow until, prior to the 1988 Knesset elections, the Kach party was banned from running by a Labor-Likud coalition. The ban was based on an amendment added to Israel’s Basic Law that disqualified any candidate whose platform included “incitment to racism.”
— — —
This is NOT an example of a Jew that represents Israel, as should be obvious by his criminal activity and Israeli government actions against him.
Anyone who even mentions him in any degree of support is not someone to ever listen to again!
He did represent Israel. He was elected to the Knesset.
Once again you set up purity tests like a good leftist and delegitimize anyone who doesn’t pass.
Sorry, I don’t want anything to do with Terrorists, whether Jew or Arab!
Kach and Kahane Chai
AKA: American Friends of the United Yeshiva; American Friends of Yeshivat Rav Meir; Committee for the Safety of the Roads; Dikuy Bogdim; DOV; Forefront of the Idea; Friends of the Jewish Idea Yeshiva; Jewish Idea Yeshiva; Jewish Legion; Judea Police; Judean Congress; Kach; Kahane; Kahane Lives; Kahane Tzadak;;; Kfar Tapuah Fund; Koach; Meir’s Youth; New Kach Movement;; No’ar Meir; Repression of Traitors; State of Judea; Sword of David; The Committee Against Racism and Discrimination (CARD); The Hatikva Jewish Identity Center; The International Kahane Movement; The Jewish Idea Yeshiva; The Judean Legion; The Judean Voice; The Gomemiyut Movement; The Rabbi Meir David Kahane Memorial Fund; The Voice of Judea; The Way of the Torah; The Yeshiva of the Jewish Idea; Yeshivat Harav Meir
Kachs stated goal is to restore the biblical state of Israel. Kach, founded by radical Israeli-American rabbi Meir Kahane, and its offshoot Kahane Chai, (translation: “Kahane Lives”), founded by Meir Kahanes son Binyamin following his fathers 1990 assassination in the United States, were declared terrorist organizations in 1994 by the Israeli Cabinet under Israels Terrorism Law. This designation followed the groups statements in support of Dr. Baruch Goldsteins attack in February 1994 on the Ibrahimi Mosque (Goldstein was affiliated with Kach) and their verbal attacks on the Israeli Government. Palestinian gunmen killed Binyamin Kahane and his wife in a drive-by shooting in December 2000 in the West Bank.
The group has organized protests against the Israeli Government. Kach has harassed and threatened Arabs, Palestinians, and Israeli Government officials, and has vowed revenge for the death of Binyamin Kahane and his wife. Kach is suspected of involvement in a number of low-level attacks since the start of the al-Aqsa intifada in 2000.
Location/Area of Operation
Israel and West Bank settlements, particularly Qiryat Arba in Hebron.
External Aid
Receives support from sympathizers in the United States and Europe.
You can see what this DEVIL spawned!
U.S. Appeals Court Affirms Designation of Kahane Chai, Kach as Terrorist Groups
IN A UNANIMOUS Oct. 17, 2006 decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia denied the petition by Kahane Chai and its aliases Kach and that the State Department revoke its 2003 designation of Kahane Chai as a foreign terrorist organization.
As evidence that the designation was legitimate and legal, the State Department submitted the administrative record upon which it was based. The record contained both public and classified material, and government attorneys based their closing argument on four items from the unclassified record:
— An Israeli radio report that death threats had been made against Israeli police officers investigating the attempted 2002 car-bombing of a Palestinian school for girls in occupied East Jerusalem;
— An article in the Israeli paper Maariv reporting threats and demonstrations against one of the heads of the Shin Bets Jewish Affairs Division who was investigating the attempted bombing;
— A CIA Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) translation of Hebrew-language press accounts of a personal incitement campaign launched by right-wing activists, including members of Kach, against then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon; and
— A July 2003 Israeli radio report quoting the Shin Bet director as saying that the threat to the life of Prime Minister Sharon had grown and that there was a threat from several dozen Kahanist extremists.
Interestingly, all the targets of the cited terrorist attempts were Israelis, not Americans. Butthe court agreed with the State Department and Secretary Condoleezza Rice (the two named defendants) that these provided sufficient evidence to support the redesignation of Kahane Chai as a foreign terrorist organization.
In fact, over the past 30 years, Kahane Chai has operated both in Israelespecially the occupied territoriesand the U.S. In his book The False Prophet: Rabbi Meir Kahane, From FBI Informant to Knesset Member, the late Village Voice reporter and Kahane movement expert Robert I. Friedman describes how in 1971 Kahane, a Brooklyn native under investigation by the FBI, fled to Jerusalem, where he opened an office of his Jewish Defense League (JDL).
Soon, Friedman wrote, the JDL was firebombing Christian churches and bookstores in Jerusalem. Kahane refused to join right-wing Israeli parties wooing him, however, and instead formed his own party, Kach (thus), with the blunt platform of expelling the Arabs from Israel.
Riding the tide of the growing Israeli settler movement and anti-Arab extremism, evidenced by bombing campaigns against Palestinian mayors as well as a sophisticated plot to blow up Jerusalems Dome of the Rock, Kahane was elected to the Knesset in 1984. Kahanes victory-drunk supporters carried the exultant rabbi through the Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem, Friedman wrote, smashing shops and heads with equal abandon, while shouting Death to the Arabs!
When God returns to earth to set up his own government here ... he can take care of it then!
As He has said He surely will!
If youd like to be on or off, please FR mail me.
Years ago when Ariel Sharon was prime minister I said he withdrew from Gaza in order to make this same exact case the Netanyahu is making above
Gaza made into a demo. A demo as to why Israel can never withdraw from the so called West Bank completely but most hold zones/land to buffer against Paleostinian rocket attacks into Jerusalem and its suburbs. Also other Israeli population centers within rocket range from the West Bank need that buffering that makes Paleostinian rockets less accurate due to having to travel further
Praise Ariel Sharon for this brilliant move out of Gaza
Forget land for peace!
No land for war!
Land givebacks are seen as weakness by the Paleos and a reason to make war
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