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62 posted on 07/10/2014 11:58:22 AM PDT by RedMDer
(May we always be happy and may our enemies always know it. - Sarah Palin, 10-18-2010)
The treaty called for the United States to pay $15 million to Mexico and pay off the claims of American citizens against Mexico up to $3.25 million. It gave the United States the Rio Grande boundary for Texas, and gave the U.S. ownership of California, and a large area comprising New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Wyoming and Colorado. Mexicans in those annexed areas had the choice of returning to Mexico or becoming U.S. citizens with full rights.
They Lost The War And We STILL Paid Them!
That $15,000,000 Equals $77,520,000,000 Today
Click The Pic To Donate
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63 posted on 07/10/2014 12:18:41 PM PDT by DJ MacWoW
(The Fed Gov is not one ring to rule them all)