To: SampleMan
7 posted on
07/10/2014 2:00:05 AM PDT by
(Vote for Conservatives not for Republicans)
To: GeronL
Cars have race too?? You've never heard of a race car???
42 posted on
07/10/2014 4:45:18 AM PDT by
null and void
(If Bill Clinton was the first black president, why isn't Barack Obama the first woman president?)
To: GeronL
There be a lot more black men driving white Cadillacs than white men driving black Cadillacs..
45 posted on
07/10/2014 4:54:17 AM PDT by
(Obama: Fake black man. Fake Messiah. Fake American. How many fakes can you fit in one Zer0?) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson