Just running a plate doesn’t effect a driver in any way, you never even know it happened unless they find something wrong.
You aren’t being stopped, searched, or detained in any way by a cop running your plate.
When a peeping Tom looks in your wife’s bathroom, you will never know it unless you catch him at it.
” Just running a plate doesnt effect a
driver in any way, you never even know it
happened unless they find something
And when they keep data on where and when they checked you? This is going on now. Now they are generating a record of your activity. This practice is a violation of basic privacy concepts that my comings and goings are not their business.
Not knowing a wrong was done to you, doesn’t erase that wrong.
Cops care nothing for people’s privacy any more. But let the public want to know about the disciplinary and complaint record of a cop who has the power to affect our lives, and that is PRIVATE!
You aren’t being inconvenienced in any way if the government eavesdrops on your phone calls or monitors your internet usage either. Does that make those okay too?
I disagree.
Often time the information they have is wildly inaccurate.
A previous arrest would show up even if you had your day in court and were found not guilty. This will color the officers attitude.
In Illinois having a Firearm Owners ID card would often lead to additional scrutiny.