Posted on 07/09/2014 9:53:49 PM PDT by Bratch
Every Republican has three options on impeachment. One: Lets do it. Hes got it coming. As far as I know, no one in Congress has joined Palin in taking that approach since her op-ed at Breitbart went live yesterday, although Im sure theres a constituency for it in the House. Someone should ask Tim Huelskamp or Michele Bachmann. Two: Hell no. Its political suicide. Lots of Republicans believe that, McCain and Boehner foremost among them, but they dont want to say so publicly or else theyll be attacked from the right for putting expediency above principle. Erick Erickson, whos no ones idea of a RINO, is bolder than they are in making the case today at Red State.
Thus, option three: Hes got it coming, but alas, it wont work. Democrats are too corrupt to join us in the effort. Thatll be the default position for Republican pols since it lets them shift blame while achieving suicide-avoidance. The mystery with Cruz was whether hed choose door number one or number three. He wants to preserve his cred as Mr. Tea Party ahead of 2016 but, after having spearheaded the defund effort, he also doesn't want to get knocked again as a guy whos willing to bet lots of Republican political capital on lost causes. His interview with Mark Levin on Monday night suggested that he was in the hes got it coming but it wont work camp.
And, per National Review, he is.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I'm following the thread and you nailed it. They grow up so fast.
“Had the GOP manned the hell up and took their case to the public ala Reagan, no secret evidence would have been needed. What the open truth was was plenty. They helped bury it.”
Not least Special Prosecutor Ken Starr. He allowed the fig leaf of the Lewinsky scandal to be pulled over Clinton’s real crimes. He allowed it not just to take center stage, but to expand until it took up all the resources that should have been brought to bear on Clintstone’s real crimes—perjury, obstruction of justice, rape, murder, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
“How do you do that by ignoring the constitutions remedy?”
The Constitution offers a second remedy.
These re-evalutions of long held conservative/historical fact and knowledge sure do seem to occur with predictable frequency.
And boy does the Ministry of Truth have issues with it when it gets pointed out. Every one of us learned in HS what Impeachment was and why. Only now that the GOP may have to take heat doing it does the cowardace fly out of ‘staunch conservatives’.
Another day, another issue, another rewriting of history by FR’s ‘moderates’.
I agree with you. Boehner won’t support impeachment because he knows it would not have the votes to succeed with the Dems presently in the senate. That is not the only lever to push anyway. It is important not to waste time and energy on impeachment, until it gets so bad the Dems would also support it. This is possible, after seeing Obama playing pool games and posing for selfies, vs going to the border to witness the rotten fruits of his labor to sabotage his own country.
“Yes I want the constitution to be used... There are many ways it can be.”
I’m no history expert, but I think FDR found many of his New Deal policies found “illegal” by the Supreme Court near the end. And I believe that the senate or house (or both?) switched to Republican hands and they started to vote against his New Deal policies. And some historians cite THOSE changes with getting us out of the Depression, and not the often cited World War II.
And we have already seen how the Supreme Court has ruled against obama on numerous recent topics.
FDR, Barry and others all looked at the Constitution and said “There are many ways it can be used.
Thus the problem. Had people in and out of office stopped pretending it says things it does not and ignoring/redefining what it does, we would have America to this day.
Again you totally ignore my request for your citation that as it may, I have already told you several constitutional ways that congress can act. Moreover the states have the power to act as well.
The constitution (since you don’t want to cite it) says merely that “the president, the Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office upon impeachment for and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” That is article two section four.
There is no mandate there at all. It is prescriptive if the majority of the house votes to impeach followed by two thirds of the senate voting for conviction. Because you or I may consider one to be guilty of said crimes does not mean that congress is in any way compelled to act on my belief. You can hate that all you want but the constitution does not mandate anything in this regard
And if you think it would be any different this time you are sadly mistaken
Be careful what battle you hope to win....lest you lose the war in the process.
Don’t be angry at me. All I have done is state facts. Shooting your allies is always an error
A wise older person once told me when I was young that when you look back at your life, you don't regret thing things you did so much as the things you didn't do.
Palin is THE ONLY ONE who's right on this. Maybe because she's raised kids and she knows that it's not about whether or not it will "work," it's about DOING WHAT IS RIGHT.
More and more and more ...
... I say, after almost 40 years of being a Republican -- SCREW the Republican party. They're not worth Obama's dirty underwear.
Indeed and that is part of the constitution as well
And you ignore mine. Stalemate.
I get it. You want Barry in office so the Dems can’t use impeachment as a campaign issue and to hell with your country in the meantime. Party over principle. Got it. If thats not the case it’s the impression your rewrite of history gives me. And it would seem, others on the thread.
It is disgusting. Look at this mess. “Conservatives’ arguing against the constitution while claiming it says things it does not.
Freaking pathetic.
Many simply don’t care. they want to pretend reality is what they say it is based on situational ethics. They want their participation trophy in the GOP and F the rest of us.
Niftster, MORAL DECENCY mandates that we impeach him.
By failing to demand impeachment, we are betraying America and Americans. We are betraying them in exactly the same way a parent betrays a wayward child by shielding him from having to face the consequences of his bad behavior.
This isn't about what will "work" or whether or not Obama will be convicted. This isn't about "teaching Obama a lesson."
This is about being true to what is RIGHT. It is what the Forefathers would have wanted us to do. If Republicans don't impeach Obama, they will regret it for many years to come.
If the founders believed in ‘we cant do it unless we are guaranteed a successful outcome” We would still sing God Save the Queen on national holidays.
Thats all one needs to understand about/between ‘work’ and ‘America’.
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