I have to RENEW my driver license that I have had for 38 years in Florida.
I am required by Florida law to show:
1. My government-issued birth certificate or valid U.S. passport, or naturalization papers.
2. My social security card, or w-2 form, or paycheck, or SSA-1099 or non-SSA-1099 showing complete social security number. NO copies accepted.
3. If name changed from birth: any court ordered or government issued marriage/divorce certificate that link birth to current name. (not required with a valid U.S.Passport)
4. Two documents showing my residential address.
Back in 1994, California voted for proposition 187, it passed 58.93% to 41.07%.
Proposition 187 included the following key elements:
All law enforcement agents who suspect that a person who has been arrested is in violation of immigration laws must investigate the detainee’s immigration status, and if they find evidence of illegality they must report it to the attorney general of California, and to the federal Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). They must also notify the detainee of his or her apparent status as an alien.
Local governments are prohibited from preventing or limiting the fulfillment of this requirement.
If government agents suspect anyone applying for benefits of being illegal immigrants, the agents must report their suspicions in writing to the appropriate enforcement authorities.
A person shall not receive any public social services until he or she has been verified as a United States citizen or as a lawfully admitted alien.
A person shall not receive any health care services from a publicly funded health care facility until he or she meets the requirements above.
A public elementary or secondary school shall not admit or permit the attendance of any child until he or she meets the requirements above.
By 1996, each school district shall verify the legal status of each child enrolled within the district and the legal status of each parent or guardian of each child.
A child who is in violation of the requirements above shall not continue to attend the school 90 days from the date of notice to the attorney general and INS.
The attorney general must keep records on all such cases and make them available to any other government entity that wishes to inspect them.
The manufacture, distribution, sale, or use of false citizenship or residency documents is a state felony punishable by imprisonment or fine.
Judge Mariana Pfaelzer overturned the majority of the law. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariana_Pfaelzer
I’m in Texas. My DL was due to expire 22 Aug 2014. I received a card from the Dept. of Public Safety in April advising me I could renew online up to 6 months early.
On 4 May, I renewed and paid the $25 fee via plastic. I received my new card a week later in the mail. I’m now good until August 2020. Hope I live to renew again (I’m almost 72)!