Well, I’m not a Perrywinkle...he’s done both good and bad.
But I had to Google the “President Fox...open border” quote. I don’t remember it...but these days that means little, lol. Looks like he was talking about commerce between the countries. I don’t know that I think that uninspected trucks should come here, but that seems to be the subject. Not erasing the Texas/Mexico border.
Your home page doesn’t say where you hail from? How is your state dealing with illegal immigration? It is prevalent in all states.
We must say to every Texas child learning in a Texas classroom, we dont care where you come from, but where you are going, and we are going to do everything we can to help you get there. And that vision must include the children of undocumented workers. Thats why Texas took the national lead in allowing such deserving young minds to attend a Texas college at a resident rate. Those young minds are a part of a new generation of leaders, the doors of higher education must be open to them."
I live on a sizable piece of property in East San Diego County about 10 miles from the US/Mexico border. Not long ago it was common to see ILLEGAL aliens traipsing through my property headed north. They would fill their water jugs with my hose and often left it running. Water here is scarce so it is expensive. They stole fruit from my trees. They broke into my garage and my shed. They tried hotwiring my vehicles and they accosted a neighbor woman with the goal of carjacking her truck. Who knows how that would have ended had she not been armed. All this ended for us with the construction of a new border fence. But that does not matter one spit to La Raza Rick and his supporters. He opposes a fence because he really does share a vision of an open border, not just for Mexican trucks, but for its people. And his supporters? Not long ago one Perrybot argued that border fences do not work. He provided "proof" of his claim by giving me a link to a pro-ILLEGAL alien website. It was a lame argument reflective of his heros lame position. Fences work. Perrys vision of an open border never will.