I myself noticed that we are losing *75,000 people to Alcohol every year, and I very much doubt this would be happening were Alcohol illegal.
Yes, the people who like drugs and alcohol have written for years that prohibiting it was a great mistake. As you pointed out regarding "statements against interest" I will point out that most of these "research" essays are "statements for interest" and therefore cannot be accepted on the face of them as being objectively correct. They are merely supporting the same old agenda these people have always pushed.
*I'm going to keep increasing this number till you decide to look up the actual number and correct me. Since I think you play fast and loose with the facts, I feel no obligation to be reasonable or consistent either.
Liquor use would be down a little.
Crime use would be up a LOT.
And you will provide no evidence whatsoever for your claim.
I'm not going to bother looking at any of your information regarding Prohibition. [...] I feel no obligation to be reasonable or consistent
Naturally - you're a drug war supporter.