Under what law?
The most transparent administration at it again.
I’m sure the LSM will be all over this just as though Bush had done the same to a Dummycrat congressman.
US Congressman trumps HHS flunky x 10.
This clown should grow a pair and raise holy hell! He can go back to leadership and get this lifted TODAY, no problem. I know he won’t...
I hate the GOP
Yes, that is the question of the day. Does anyone know the annual budget for HHS?
$1 TRILLION - 1/4 of the entire federal government budget, greater than the whole economy of most countries.
HHS bureaucracy itself is patently unconstitutional. The size and most activities of the entire federal government are patently unconstitutional.
So can something illegal do something legal?
The bloated government and it's most bloated bureaucracy have long since abandoned the idea of "legality" and have decided IT is the law.
I thought the law was that it was illegal to stop or prevent a sitting congressman or senator from performing their constitutional functions including traveling to or from D.C.
This was adopted so that if a congressman or senator was traveling through a different state or jurisdiction they couldn’t be arrested or detained as an attempt to keep them from voting on the floor of the House or the Senate. I would think this falls under that category.