Social media works both ways. When the easily flummoxed Cracker Barrel pulled all of their Duck Dynasty merchandise off the shelves because Uncle Phil took a slap at gays, our side went into boycott mode. CB hastily put all the stuff back. Maybe Cracker Barrel needs to get their PR act together. They could also afford to start serving good food, but that’s my opinion.
I am distrustful of mob mentality in general. It’s the same emotional trigger reaction, even if in complete context it is evident that wrath is deserved.
Too many stupid, self-centered business operators and government thugs don’t think first or have any respect for others, so it’s no wonder people knee-jerk in kind. That said, social media enables the creation of mountains out of molehills, aiding in the degradation of civil society.
There are enough fake hate crimes that “go viral” and are subsequently exposed, that you’d think people would learn to be more reserved and cautious in judgment. Unfortunately there are those who simply do not wish to reason like adults, would rather emote.