But the NSA can do whatever they want...
Amen to that and all of the other remaining intelligence agencies...they’ll just hide behind this curtain “The court did carve out exceptions for exigencies that arise, such as major security threats.”
Change starts with a single act....so maybe the tide has begun with the Supremes.
I've seen speculation that today's ruling was so broad that it could be used to challenge the NSA, actually.
Comrades, do not naysay the critical work of the State Security Services! NSA is vital cog in IRS-NSA-ACA data hubs. The SSS must be able to track down reactionary running dog capitalists who oppose our Dear Leader Comrade Obama, as he struggles day and night to deliver first-quality National Socialist heath rationing system to all good comrades, (like in glorious workers paradise Cuba), while smashing right-wing extremists who hold to outdated notions of so-called freedom and privacy and Bill of Rights under former capitalist Constitution. Onward to victory, comrades! Do not deny SSS needed tools to deliver glorious new dawn of socialist equality to all good comrades!