Well the Shia government of Iraq did KICK OUT the US Military a few years ago because they thought they had big enough britches to handle things themselves. That’s what they get for their idiocy!
No they didn't. They wanted the US to stay and were taken by surprise when we broke off negotiations. Hillary completely dropped the ball by refusing to budge on the issue of immunity for US soldiers. Anyone familiar with the region could have told her that this issue was a non-starter. Opposition to immunity for US military personnel was the very issue that first brought the Ayatollah Khomeini to national prominence back in the 1970's.
We had to relent a little on the question of immunity for US military personnel in Japan. We could have done it here as well. Even if it was just for serious crimes like rape and murder that probably would have been enough. But blanket unconditional immunity is never going to happen.
If the Shah goes to New York runs over a dog he can be prosecuted for it. Here in Tehran if an American cook runs over the Shah he can not be prosecuted for it. ...Khomeini