Evil creeps in. EWTN and obedient Catholics will never comply with interfering with God’s plan for life. Birth control is that. It is, according to the Church teaching, as stated by St. John Paul II, as well as Pope Paul VI in ‘Humnae Vitae’, the root of abortion.
The root.
If the Supreme Court rules against EWTN, it will bring it to a governmental religious persecution situation.
Whatever one feels about these issues, the fact remains that Birth Control, Abortion, Sterilization, Homosexual Marriage, etc are AGAINST THE CATHOLIC RELIGION. That alone is Constitutionally enough to absolve Catholic organizations from having to PAY for those things.
It is as crazy as forcing Devout Jews to eat pork and pay for other people’s pork as well.
Or to force a JW to pay for my blood transfusion.
It’s just WRONG.
If the Supreme Court rules against EWTN, it will bring it to a governmental religious persecution situation.
A question for you and everyone else... Does it ever seem to you like the Government is pushing every button it can possibly can to get someone or anyone to do something ‘rash’ so that they can move us right into the next Civil War? Just looking over the various articles just today shows that a lot of ‘hot button’ issues are being exacerbated recently.