Well, all of this “freedom” sounds great, until we get the bills for expensive medical care and our society pays a (VERY high cost) for shortened work lives. I don’t have a “right” answer here, but if people want to eat themselves silly and weigh 400 pounds, good for them; but don’t expect me to be very happy about paying for your food and medical care, which, in most cases, will be the result.
Face facts, People are living longer and better lives well into their eighties and nineties and a large percentage of these people are over weight, even obese. Many having few if any problems with health not seen by their less chubby brethren. Yes, instances of Type 2 diabetes are higher. Much of that may be due to the over all increase in sugar consumption and weight, but it also may be due to the fact that more and more people are living to the age that these diseases become more prevalent.
Only a few decades ago it was uncommon to live past 65. Now it is uncommon NOT to live past to 75. The average life expectancy is almost 80 years old in the U.S. and that is for a society of every race and ethnicity in the World. For White Americans life expectancy is in the early eighties. For Asian Americans it is higher yet. As for some ethnicity's, African Americans for example it is lower, but still way higher than it was just a few short decades ago.
When social security was adopted benefits began at 65 and the average life expectancy was 62. Now it is uncommon not to collect far more In benefits than a person could ever pay in. Often people are collecting for two or even three decades.
The article is absolutely correct. A little extra, even a lot of extra, weight is a much more healthy position to be in that that of malnutrition and starvation. Starvation and malnutrition where the norm in most countries just a few decades ago and it was even a reality in this country during much of the early 20th Century.
IF that is the criteria by which we judge others then no way in HELL should schools be pushing homosexuality as a lifestyle choice on youths.
Homosexualists die at far younger ages and HIV/AIDS medications don't come cheap.