Wow, he believes in biblical scripture. Burn him at the stake. /s
Capitalism is a practical implementation of Christianity — to serve one’s neighbor as oneself. No producer can be successful unless he pleases his customer.
Intellectual gravitas in the Congress. Whoda thunk it?
DemocRATS ‘War On Christianity’ begins.
This space reserved for the ever incisive comments of Alex Murphy.
Please also block off responses 20-40 for indignant retorts against said comments of Alex Murphy.
So far...I likey.
Through all of that, one aspect of his faith has been constant: Brat takes the Protestant work ethic seriously. Like many of his Tea Party colleagues, Brat is an Ayn Rand enthusiast, and coauthored a paper assessing the moral foundations of her writings in 2010.
That's a lot of name-dropping. I think he's trying entirely too hard to appeal to conservative religious voters.
I’m a little bit nervous about the idea of being affiliated with four different churches. But I suppose he wants to reach out to conservative Christians of all stripes, as a politician.
When I was teaching, I belonged to the Conference on Christianity and Literature, which was started by Evangelicals but subsequently brought in Catholics and others. We got on fine, agreeing to disagree on some theological matters, but determined to work together against the atheists and death dealers who are corrupting our society.
That’s what “ecumenical” should mean—praying together, working together, but not compromising your beliefs down to a worthless “common denominator.”
I’m not quite sure how you can reconcile strict Calvinism with Catholicism, and I was surprised at how many of my Evangelical friends were unwilling to deal with the Calvinists as well. But I did have a couple of friends at Calvin College, and we did work together on issues where we could agree.
Why is the Christian religion suddenly such a horrible thing? Don’t any Americans still believe in God, have they all converted atheism or Muslim?
Someone should corner these clowns who write like this,
“What’s wrong with God?” Make them defend their position.