*””Rand Paul is opposed to abortion in all cases.””*
No he isn’t, at least according to him, he isn’t.
BLITZER: So, just to be precise, if you believe life begins at conception, which I suspect you do believe that, you would have no exceptions for rape, incest, the life of the mother, is that right?
PAUL: Well, I think that once again puts things in too small of a box. What I would say is that there are thousands of exceptions. You know, Im a physician and every individual case is going to be different, and everything is going to be particular to that individual case and whats going on with that mother and the medical circumstances of that mother.
I would say that after birth, you know, weve decided that when life begins, we have decided that we dont have exceptions for one- day-old or six-month-olds. We dont ask where they came from or how they came into being, but it is more complicated because the rest of it depends on the definition of when life comes in. So, I dont think its a simple as checking box and saying exceptions or no exceptions.
And there are a lot of decisions that are made privately by families and their doctors that really wont the law wont apply to, but I think its important that we not be flippant one way or the other and pigeon hole and say, oh, this person doesnt believe in any sort of discussion between family. And so, I dont know if theres a simple way to put me in a category on any of that.
BLITZER: Well, it sounds like you believe in some exceptions.
PAUL: Well, theres going to be, like I say, thousands of extraneous situations where the life of the mother is involved and other things that are involved.
So, I would say that each individual case would have to be addressed and even if there were eventually a change in the law, lets say, the people came more to my way of thinking, its still be a lot of complicated things that the law may not ultimately be able to address in the early stages of pregnancy that would have to be part of what occurs between the physician and the woman and the family.
Too late. Andy has left the building. See opus link a couple posts up.