To: Liz; ken5050; GOPJ; AuntB; Tennessee Nana; TADSLOS; Grampa Dave; Jane Long
RE :”
WRT the amnesty issue——the miniscule Hispanic vote is overly-hyped and pumped-up to scare vote-crazed Dems-—its at a nothing 10 per cent now and for the for-seeable future.
Brat's winning opposition to it puts the kibosh to amnesty. But you know the execrable Obama will see this as his “right” to an Executive Order. “ I bet not many Hispanics voted in that GOP primary in that district, I wonder what % of that entire district is hispanic.
45 posted on
06/11/2014 9:39:24 AM PDT by
(King Obama : 'The debate is over. The time for talk is over. Just follow my commands you serfs""')
To: sickoflibs
When Republicans move 8 million Chinese (who have agreed to vote Republican in exchange for citizenship) into that district it won’t matter... will it?
47 posted on
06/11/2014 4:58:32 PM PDT by
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