With a Democrat Governor, how do the Republicans manage to control the Tobacco Commission? I understand that under Virginia law, this guy’s daughter cannot accept the judge position as long as a close relative is a member of the Senate or House of Delegates. Or, so reports have said.
The Judgeship thing is Senate policy, not law. Virginia is a strange state where the legislature chooses this 31 member commission and the commission hires all employees except the executive director.
I don’t know if these 31 appointees are paid, but if they are, it is a nice little patronage for the legislature.
Here in Maine, the Dept of Health and Human Services manages the Tobacco Settlement money with oversight by the legislature. No need for a commission here or in Virginia.
The power of Tobacco, its tax dollars, and the commission set up from the days of the Tobacco Settlement fund for the govt. quota losses from the federal USDA. KMA mcaulliffe— you lose! LOL.
Courtesy at the federal level of Liddy Dole and others, it was formed by the state legislature with a charter to serve specific counties... NOT N.VA’s demo/rino federal dollar teat workers and their liberal voting that put Mcawful into office. Dominated by conservatives, and run by repubs to help out the people in VA truly ignored by the elitist libs.
McAwful’s cudgel/ carrot is “healthcare” ACA, treating SW and South VA like it was WV, with everyone on the dole. So this is a different sort of dole from Bob Dole’s wife. Directed primarily to manufacture and agriculture alternative use from tobacco.
website: http://www.tic.virginia.gov/tobmapupdated.shtml
The leadership is large and not listed as to party but chair and vice chair are repubs.