“We have to get rid of our old(read experienced)electable senators and congressmen to satisfy some rage.”
I do not understand your comment.
After all we do have Obama, he and McCain are on the same page regarding political free speach. McCain worked with Ted Kennedy. Obama (read experienced) used the IRS
Need another example - RomnieCare
The big difference is that Romneycare is a statewide disaster. That’s federalism and a good thing. Let’s learn from that mess. Obamacare is a nationwide disaster made possible by a Democrat controlled Congress. You don’t get there from here.
Wherever you can elect the most conservative candidate. That’s going to be different from MS to IL. In MS dump Cochran and put in McDaniel. In IL if we had two Kirks in place of a Kirk/Durbin split the entire country would be better off. Is Kirk a conservative? NO. But he votes with us way more than Durbin does. He gives us control of committees and the agenda. It forces Obama to heel.
Let Obama keep up his dictatorial ways after a GOP Congress is elected and see how many really good bills get passed not only tying up Obama’s Ex. Authority, but every POTUS to follow. Bush did a lot of dumb executive orders as well. It’s got to stop.